Mainly used to enhance the delivery of continuous box components, according to the inlet spout into Z- direction vertical lift aircraft and two C-type vertical hoist .
1 vertical lift machine at work does not take up shelf return to work beat, high transmission efficiency, and is not affected high-speed transport .
2 pieces of cargo transport only , and the material has a minimum size limit .
3 large load range , up to 2000Kg.
4 . The entrance of transport equipment , the transport process to achieve fully automated, avoiding the instability caused by manual operation .
5 compact, small footprint.
6 safe, reliable, easy maintenance , low operating costs , reduce transportation costs.
Z -type C-type vertical vertical hoist hoist
Lifting speed > 1000mm> 1500mm
Lifting speed<40m/min <30m/min
Transportation beat < 30 / min<10件/ min
Maximum load<2000Kg <500Kg
Type of material crates , pallets and other containers , pallets, etc.
Standard width 400 600 900 1200 mm 400 600 900 1200 mm